...Nuclear tit-warhead milk... high octane, low quality, best regards! OR: "Enough with the fancy trimmings; BREAK OUT!! I love spoiling my kids!" OR: -- and now folks, a look at the humble beginnings of our future world-renowned Nobel winner for curing asscaholeism
I can't decide on a winner. Everyone who participated, email me at scott@scottnickel.com and I'll send you something cool for your efforts. (Sorry, it's NOT a toaster oven.)
I'm an award-winning Writer/Editor and Cartoonist. In addition to working at Paws, Inc., Jim Davis' creative studio in Indiana, I write and draw the comic strip EEK! (syndicated online by Uclick). I have also created hundreds of humorous greeting cards, written comic books, children's books, marketing blogs, and a ton of tricky tongue twisters.
Clients include:
BOOM! Comics
Lerner Publishing
Oatmeal Greetings
Hmmm...I want say that I have a great caption for this but I don't right now. Maybe I'll sleep on it. Does the winner get a free toaster oven?
P.S. Also is it just me or is today's 10/24 EEK very reminiscent of good old Triple Take?
Something tells me the abortion didn't take.
Child Abuse: It's not just for outside-womb kids anymore.
When only the best will do for your lil' bastard.
After her third beer, Denise decided to blow off this week’s kickboxing class.
I couldn't come up with a gag.
But i did find the orignial image you got this from.
Take a look.
Great stuff, guys!
Rick... that is TOO funny!
...Nuclear tit-warhead milk... high octane, low quality, best regards! OR: "Enough with the fancy trimmings; BREAK OUT!! I love spoiling my kids!" OR: -- and now folks, a look at the humble beginnings of our future world-renowned Nobel winner for curing asscaholeism
I can't decide on a winner. Everyone who participated, email me at scott@scottnickel.com and I'll send you something cool for your efforts. (Sorry, it's NOT a toaster oven.)
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